Rent your condo:
our turnkey solution

The rental has the wind in the sails…

Experts agree that for the next 10 to 15 years, rental will grow significantly in the housing sector. Purchasing is always a good option, but as the annual increase in house prices does not increase as quickly, habits change.

Add to that the overall offer of rentals; builders are bursting with creativity and innovation to offer buildings for rent from a new generation of architects. Interior spaces have been redefined, redesigned, redesigned, materials highlight new trends and colors celebrate life.

The 55 years + are more and more tenants

In a global transition society, those aged 55 and over occupy a prominent place among customers interested in renting. No wonder manufacturers give them special attention. The scenario underlying this attention is a ritual increasingly observed : recent retirees or pre-retirees who sell their home in the suburbs to move to another stage.

They are tired of maintenance work, the children have left the family nest, the residence is too big and they want to spend less time there to focus more on themselves. All of these factors emphasize a transition to a new life. Rental becomes a logical choice for this segment of the population.

The environment is changing at the pace of the needs

Before, we were looking for a place to raise his family and spend most of his life there. Today, life is more segmented and the need to change the living environment more frequently favors the option of renting. You may want to live in a trendy neighborhood of Montreal one day and, a few years later, prefer a suburban life or a lakeside in the Laurentians or a condo in Old Montreal. All of these changes require flexibility and make purchasing a more “definitive” formula than renting. An evolution in the habits of the population that gives wings to the rental.

Ce dont s’occupe

  • Publicité
  • Visites des unités avec les éventuels locataires
  • Enquête de crédit
  • Location des unités et remise des clefs
  • Perception des loyers
  • Rétributions de vos loyers par versement bancaire
  • Représentation à la régie du logement.
  • Recouvrement des loyers
  • Négociation et renouvellement des baux
  • Rédaction des baux, formulaires et règlements de l’immeuble
  • Production d’états de compte
  • Gestion de la maintenance générale
  • Service à la clientèle (appels de service, gestion des plaintes, contacts avec les locataires)

It is with pleasure that we will answer your questions and needs. We are waiting for your call!

Administration: 450 314-0880 // Leasing: 450 554-1514